Monday, May 4, 2020

Key Art + Banner of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

Today is May the 4th, better known as the Star Wars day. There's no better day to announce new stuff for LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga than today. We already have our first news, and the day just started. The promotional image of the game has been officially announced, along with an amazing banner. This image is generally found in the box art and all the game's ads, and this can be considered as the poster.

Firstly I want to mention that the design is amazing. If this is the box art (which is very likely), I have to admit it'll be one of the best ones. This includes characters from all the Saga, from the dunes of Tatooine on the left, of the prequel triology, to Hoth on the right, of the original triology .

The most important thing from the sequel triology, is that it includes Rey with her yellow lightsaber. This is something we see at the end of Star Wars IX: The Rise of Skywalker. If there's something I loved about the poster is the variety of lightsabers. Lastly we can see some vehicles like an AT-ST and locations like the Death Star.

Now I leave here the official banner, which I also loved. Besides these images, TT Games announced that we will get more news this summer!

What do you think of this promo? Expect more Star Wars content through the day. For now we don't have a release date, but it's still expected to release by the end of this year, despite the world's actual situation.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga will be released in 2020 for Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC.
More LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga content here:

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